Thursday, June 16, 2005


Librarian brain dump at school's end

stuff to no particular order...

get library cleaned
listen to donated books on tape; if useful to
curriculum and in good shape - buy tape cassette players (with no radio) for classroom use
write up year assessment; good, bad and weird
get next year's school schedule
speak to administration about presenting at parent's orientation
get a link to cca blog from school website
work on library talk for teacher orientation

figure out what to do about missing national geo mags and how to handle these mags in future

call L team to thank for great work
make list of items that we want to purchase (eg. extra large book covers - thanks for the heads up on this, Jamie)
look into project management online software that will track the myriad things and tasks we need to accomplish (see stuff from march conference about sources)

search classrooms for loaned items that were not yet catalogued (see logbok Nov 2005)
call B. D. to see if up for data entry into catalog

track Selection Policy status (I need to annotate)

write donation policy
list all technology and versions of software we use in library
communicate the vision for a library worthy of accrediation by ACSI

think through volunteer training

permanent link
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