Thursday, June 16, 2005


Reasons for discarding some Christian textbooks

I gave these donated textbooks a year on the teachers' shelf in the library and they were never borrowed. They are a reading curriculum with teachers' guides for grades 1 to 4. Usually, additional curriculum is good to have available to give teachers another way to look at how others are teaching the same material. But after I examined these at length I can see that they don't offer classroom teachers much insight. They are a day by day cookbook of exactly what to say and what to do for each story read. This might work in a homeschool situation with children of a certain personality but certainly not in a classroom with multiple learning styles.

The publication year is 1985 which is another warning that this might not be up to par. But since this is not science or history where items age rapidly, I gave it a second chance to redeem itself. However, it totally failed. The stories and illustrations showed woman and girls as passive and only doing traditional stereotypical tasks. Basically, the men were having all the fun and adventures. Plus, there are very, very few illustrations of people of color. This clearly does not match CCA's population nor its Pentecostal history or experience.

Sometimes items such as these can be sold to homeschoolers, but a perusal of ebay and indicate that these books would not do well online. They are way to old and are not in great condition. There is no local place to sell them, so they will be discarded in the trash.

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